Chloe is completing the 10k Wolf Run.
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Chloe is completing the 10k Wolf Run.

by Victoria
- Monday, January 29, 2018 at 1:52 PM
Chloe is completing the 10k Wolf Run.
Chloe is pushing herself in completing the 10k Wolf Run. The reason is to raise money for an inspiring family who have the most lovable little boy. Henry has Angelmans syndrome which means that life can be a bit harder or different sometimes. Henry needs constant supervision and support and specialist equipment to give him equal opportunities to the other children at nursery. This means equipment at nursery as well as home. Expensive equipment! As well that this Henry massively benefits from intense physio therapy sessions which again, aren't cheap. Henry's mum Clare says... "Words cannot express how grateful I am and I feel quite emotional writing this. The money raised will be used to help fund Henry's Footsteps intense physio therapy and/or any equipment he may need.
Every time Henry goes to footsteps for the intense physio therapy course he shows such improvements in his mobility and strength.
Any sponsers of any amount would be greatly appreciated. I'm so proud of how far my little super star has come and I'm very excited to see how many more achievements he's going to make."